Building Life Momentum

Helping turn your Ideas + Knowledge into Action

You’re likely here because you’re stuck in an area of your life.

I don’t want to waste your time, so I’ve structured this website to help you:

  1. Quickly address if I can help; see the list of common client requests below.

  2. Get a feel for what it’s like to work with me with Client testimonials.

  3. Understand what results you can achieve through real client examples.

  4. Learn about me and why I do this through my mission, values and beliefs.

  5. Assess if my approach and methods will likely work for you.

If you make it to the end and relate, you may be a good fit! Let’s jump in….

The most common problems I help solve:

  • You’re stuck in a career that you find unfulfilling. You have ideas you want to explore, and other careers you’d like to try, but you don’t know how to make the switch and you’re scared about the risks associated with the change.

  • You’re stuck in research mode, constantly consuming information about what you’d like to do but have not made any tangible progress. You find yourself talking about it and getting excited, but the needle still hasn’t moved, it’s still stuck at 0.

  • You feel like you’re drifting through life with no purpose or direction. It’s painful because you know you have potential and could do so much more but you don’t know how to access that side of you. You want to find direction but you don’t know where to start.

  • You’ve wanted to build a personal brand and create content, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. You fear judgment, you’re a perfectionist and you fear failure. You really want to know if you could make an income from this but you haven’t made any progress.

  • You have some business ideas, but you’re all talk and no action. You’ve sat on these ideas for months, if not years and you have nothing to show for it. You doubt if it will work, but if you had started when you had the idea, you’d already know. Enough is enough it’s time to get it started.

  • You have little to no self-discipline. Time-wasting and constantly scrolling on social media. You know it’s bad but you can’t stop. It’s a contagion and runs through multiple areas of your life; your health, your work, your finances and your relationships.

    You want to fix it, be productive and get organised but every time you’ve tried, you’ve burnt yourself out, or lost motivation.

  • You constantly start new projects, always highly motivated and excited, but it soon fades, you get bored, you lose motivation and you stop before seeing it through. This is not a one-off, it’s happened numerous times. It is so pervasive, not only YOU know it, but all of your friends/family recognise that behaviour in you too.

  • You constantly doubt your own capabilities, your self-confidence is at an all time low and you know you won’t get anywhere or achieve the goals you have with this mindset. It is often linked with some of the reasons above, because you never see things through and constantly talk but don’t act.

    You have nothing to back up what you say.

  • You frequently struggle to balance your energy load when working on multiple projects. You have a day job to pay the bills but are working on a breakaway career. You experience burnout and exhaustion.

Clients often have a destination in mind (ideas & goals) but are held back by mental barriers.

I’ll help you create a clear path navigating you around these barriers, leaving you free to make rapid progress.

What’s it like to work with me?

Case study 1: Jodie

Problem: She felt stuck in her career and had ideas to pursue but was scared about the risk of transitioning. She didn’t know the best way to approach the change and became stuck in a cycle of dreaming about her goals but not acting on them.

Jodie, a comms manager, for a large energy firm, was unfulfilled in a long-term corporate career, (+10 years)

She was looking for a move into something more fulfilling but got overwhelmed with the next steps and was paralysed by the fear and risk involved with a change.

Case Study 2: Alexandra

Problem: She had many ideas about her next move in life, but deciding which one caused her to be overwhelmed and anxious. This left her paralysed, unable to make progress in any of the directions.

Alexandra, a writer, had lots of ideas but didn’t know which to pursue.

Being a creative, she had so many ideas but the options made her freeze and not able to act on any of them. The more she thought about them the more she felt stuck.

We went through a very manageable step by step guide which lead to choosing the idea to pursue and then to execute on it. She excelled, and quickly made progress.

Case Study 3: Steve

Problem: Unclear about the direction to take life in. Busy working on many projects, but wasn’t sure which would bring the most fulfilment, this resulted in lack of progress in any of them.

Steve, a lawyer, was at crossroad in life and was looking for guidance to take the most effective next step that would bring him fulfilment and happiness.

Having a methodical mindset he knew what to do in each of the paths but struggled to decide which path to take.

We went through a rigorous process to tease out what would most likely work for him until we had a plan he felt comfortable executing on.

Case Study 4: Professor Harbinder

Problem: Had lots of important projects on the go. Struggled with clarity on what to focus on to to align with her purpose


My goal is to see real-world results. This is a fundamental requirement of my philosophy and approach.

To build genuine self-belief, we have to create a stack of undeniable evidence that we are who we say we are.

It is much easier to lean on the building you’ve built with your hands and personally crafted than the one that lives in your mind.

Results 1: Career Change - Jodie

Jodie wanted to work with animals, specifically wildlife conservation but needed to gain relevant experience. It was a pipe dream for years. Coming from corporate life in the power generation industry, it couldn’t be further from where she dreamed of going….

She couldn’t see how it was possible for a transition to take place given the position she was starting from. Her belief at this point was close to ZERO.

We crafted a strategy for the move and a comprehensive roadmap to make it happen….one she could back with her risk-averse nature. We embarked on the journey together, and the rest is history…

Results 2: Self-Doubt & confidence - Enid

Enid had been running her team for the Far East division of her company. She had lost her confidence, was crippled with self-doubt and struggled to find her voice in a global leadership team with strong, dominant characters.

She wanted to turn this around and be a leader her team would feel inspired by. It took a lot of work, but together, we made significant progress…. so much so she has now been offered and has accepted her dream position….

More results:

Building a personal brand & online business: Joe

Problem: Wanted to build social presence but crippled by self-doubt and fear of judgment

Result: After 8 years of an empty YouTube channel, it grew from 0 to 130,000 followers. + 6 figure brand deals.

Joe was working full-time but dreamed of being able to entertain people on TV. He’d done some part-time acting, and had a dormant YouTube channel with 2 shaky phone videos over the span of 8 years to show for it. He was crippled with self-doubt and fear of judgement.

He wanted to share his passion for entertaining and helping people on social media and find out if he could make an income. Our mission was to, once and for all, find out if this was a viable path for him.

We started from 0 followers and built him up to over 130,000 followers on social media.

After just a few months, we got him his first brand deal for over 5 figures, and now has multiple brand deals totalling over 6 figures. ($USD) under his belt.

We have validated his dream and are now working on phase 2, a TV series…. watch this space.

Self-Doubt and Career Progression: James

Problem: He Felt undervalued at work, but imposter syndrome prevented going after what he felt he deserved.

Result: Increased salary by four times what we started, but more importantly, he knows his worth.

James, working in the cybersecurity space. He was experienced in his field but had high levels of imposter syndrome due to a lack of higher education qualifications. His feelings around self-worth paralysed him.

We completely reframed his mindset, built his confidence up, built a program of actions to fill the gaps in his knowledge and held him accountable for the execution; once an action plan was established and he started progressing, his momentum was unstoppable. It was quite the sight to behold!

After working together, we achieved a 4X increase in his salary after three strategic job moves.

He knows what he’s worth now and continues honing his ideal life setup.

Career progression: Adam

Problem: Undervalued and low self-confidence, lots of procrastination to escape life.

Result: Increase of salary by 33% and dramatic change in self-belief.

Adam working in the food and beverage sector. He struggled to feel valued in his role. He suffered from low self-worth and could not see a future that made him excited.

We worked on a game plan to get him into a new role where he could leverage his skillset, grow and expand his skills, and improve his salary.

He secured a job with a 33% salary increase, the most significant jump in his salary for over seven years.

At the time of writing, he is preparing for his first day; he’s excited and looking forward to what the future holds.

Creating a passion business: Kari

Problem: Need help determining which direction to take life.

Result: Started a new business based around her passion for needlepoint.

An accountant, Kari struggled to figure out what was next in her life after her children had grown up and left the nest.

She wanted to do something that she cared about, had a passion for, had room to grow and could make money. This also had to be balanced with maintaining her current lifestyle and security of work and healthcare benefits.

It was a complex puzzle to solve, but through our journey together, we navigated job switches and life moves, and she found her love for needlepoint. She then started an online and in-person business teaching needlepoint.

She is now partway through her master Needlepointer program and is excited about elevating her newfound business.

My clients come from a broad background:

Who I work with

Making significant life changes is hard. If it were easy, you wouldn’t be here.

Having spoken to over 3,000 people and worked with hundreds of people from all over the globe, different backgrounds and industries, I’ve learnt what works with my methods and what does not.

To achieve the changes you want, we must fit each other well. Hopefully, you will have gained some insight into how I think and what’s possible.

I’m looking to work with people who can elevate themselves with my help. These types of people have the following qualities:

  • Open to new ideas and methods

  • Embrace the idea of growth

  • Are willing to try and will commit to a process

  • Are ambitious

  • Willing to reflect on their behaviours and work on changing them

  • Feel ready to make a change in their life and CANNOT accept staying where they are right now.

  • Work well with direct 1 to 1 accountability

If you think this might work for you, fill in the application form below, and if you’re a good fit, you’ll be given an option to book an initial chat directly with me so we can find out if we can get you achieving your goals :-)

Find out if we are a good fit: