Coaching Packages
Time to take action
Two routes you can take with me:
Option 1:
8 week - Get Unstuck Program
Set your life on a new trajectory fast and inject excitement into where your life is heading.
Full clarity on which direction to head based on what will lead to a fulfilling life for you, not society.
Complete mapping of your goals and EXACTLY how you will get there.
Fully customised solutions to each and all of the mental barriers that have stopped you from getting there yourself.
1-hour coaching session per week for eight weeks.
Templates + Worksheets & Homework check-ins
You’ll go from feeling stuck, with a foggy mind and no direction, to a place where you’ll have clarity and structure to follow and be excited about your direction.
Open for enrolment
Two spots remaining for Jan 2024
Option 2:
3-month Intensive Coaching Program
For those needing a rapid and complete life change and a new version of themselves.
As per 8 week program, You want a complete overhaul of your life.
Complete mapping of your goals and action plan fully customised to you.
Intensive accountability to ensure you stay on track with your plan.
three sessions per week
One-hour coaching session and
2 x 30 mins accountability/support sessions during the week.
You’ll have total clarity on what to do, it will be exciting, and you will have perfectly spaced, consistent accountability.
4/5 spots filled
One more for Jan 2025 start
Results - What you will see
A personal & important metric is when friends & family of my clients report apparent positive changes in behaviours. It’s easier to self-note about your performance but can be riddled with cognitive bias….
…when people around you see longer-term changes in behaviours, this is a strong signal that you are heading in the right direction and not imagining it. It is truly remarkable when I receive reports like this.
Testimonial: Anh - Starting her social impact journey
Who: Anh - Director of Product Management
Objective: Tangible progress transitioning into the social impact space. (ZERO experience)
Results: In the space, she established new networks, regular conversations with experts in the field, and her very own bi-weekly newsletter.
Unexpected results: Drastic Improvements in relationships, family, social, life management, and day job. They reported improvements from third parties.
Problem: Struggled to make progress on meaningful work projects alongside day job.
Solution: 3-month intensive program.
Anh had ideas for working on impactful projects she has cared about for as long as she can remember. The problem was lots of talk, but action was needed.
Projects had not moved at all. Simply ideas floating in her mind for years on end. Her schedule was constantly busy, and she had achieved much of what she set out to in the corporate world.
She aimed to be actively involved in the area she cares about with consistent time and energy dedicated to the cause.
Her dream was to help the people who help others—giving back to the givers.
She has now started her very own well-being newsletter called Glimmers.
Who I work with
Making significant life changes is hard. If it were easy, you wouldn’t be here.
Having spoken to over 3,000 people and worked with hundreds of people from all over the globe, different backgrounds and industries, I’ve learnt what works with my methods and what does not.
We need to have a good fit to get the changes you want. Hopefully, you will have gained some insight into how I think and what’s possible.
I am looking to work with people who, with my help, can elevate themselves to new places. These types of people have the following qualities:
Open to new ideas and methods
embrace the idea of growth
Are willing to try and commit to a process
Are ambitious
Willing to reflect on their behaviours and accept flaws
Feel ready to make a drastic change in their life and CANNOT accept staying where they are.
Work well with direct 1:1 accountability
If you think this might work for you, fill in the application form below and if you’re a good fit, you’ll be given the option to book an initial chat directly with me so we can find out if we can get you achieving your goals :-)
Content Principles
The programs are built on the following foundations.
Depending on where you are on your journey, we will tune which stages you need to work on and apply them as appropriate for the fastest and most effective progress.
Finding Direction -
Establish where you want to go
Discover the route that you are destined to go
Determine what will lead you to a genuinely fulfilling life
Gain clarity on precisely what needs to be done to get you there
Turn your knowledge into action -
How to take what you know and put it into action
Learn ultra-specific and practical tools to help you get started
Guidance and support for the application of these tools
Close accountability to ensure you gain traction
Mastering consistency -
How to build true momentum in what you’ve started
Master efficient and easy systems to build discipline
How to turn your new behaviours into a lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed
Building mental resilience -
How to get back on track after a fall so quickly you don’t even notice
How to manage your emotions practically & demonstrate compassion for yourself
How to build long-term mental resilience so you can keep making progress regardless of your environment